Ball Lock Corny to Sanke D Keg Coupler Quick Connector Post Set Gas / Liquid SS

  • $17.99

Quickly and easily change tanks or lines in your draft system with these handy quick connector posts.

You can leave your gas and beverage tubing attached the your ball lock couplers.  If you want to connect to a commercial keg, just thread these adapter posts on top of your sankey coupler, and your ball lock couplers will pop right on!

Gas post has a ring around the base for easy identification.  Unibody design keeps all parts in place when not mounted.

Fits any standard keg coupler that uses US7/8" x 14 male threads (standard for most keg couplers)


  • 1 Beverage / Out post
  • 1 Gas / In post (look for the line around the base of the gas coupler to easily identify which post is which!)

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