Corny Keg Carbonation Lid With Ball Lock Gas Post + Dip Tube + Diffuser Stone

  • $32.99

Fits any standard ball lock corny / Cornelius / soda keg. Just install the lid as normal, with the carbonating stone dip tube immersed in your product Attach your gas coupler to the built-in post on the lid.

The included .5 pumice carbonating stone will diffuse Co2 or Nitrogen into your product, with little or none of the normal shaking / rocking reacquired for carbonation!

All stainless steel and other food contact safe materials. Assembled and ready to install!


  • Ball lock keg lid with carbonation gas inlet post
  • 24" Food safe beverage tubing (can be cut to desired length).
  • .5 Micron diffusion stone with stainless steel hose barb

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