Weldless Stainless Steel Bulkhead DIY Home Brew Brewing Kettle Adapter Kit 1/2"

  • $8.99

Allows you to convert a standard stock pot into a beer brewing kettle! Makes it simple to add a valve, thermometer, or other brewing accessories or fittings to your kettle!

Includes heat resistant o-rings, so no welding is necessary for a watertight installation.

1/2" MPT threads fit most standard ball valves and other kettle fittings.

Actual thread barrel diameter is 13/16". Drill a 3/4" hole in your kettle and the bulkhead will thread in neatly for a secure fit!


  • Stainless steel union and internal washer
  • High-temperature rated silicone o-rings
  • Brass external locking nut.

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